Welcome to the Pieism Blog!

This blog is the official blog for Pieism, written by the JoJo, Prophet and Leader of Pieism, and managed by the online division of Crustacean magazine, the premium publication for lobsters and all Pieists everywhere. To find about more about Pieism, go to Pieism: The Official Site.

Thursday, 25 December 2008

Happy Eat-Mince-Pie Day

Happy Eat-Mince-Pie Day, a day that celebrates Pie in general (and mince pie's in particular). This day also a secret, hidden, meaning, soon to be revealed!

2008 has been a good year for those of the Pie, quieter than 2007 but just as holy. We have seen a rebellion, a reconcillation, more members, two new constitutions, a new church, more Demi Gods and vital work on the new Book of Pie, which now exceeds 6000 words. Also, much of lore of Pieism has been expanded this year, with even more to be released with the Book of Pie.

There are also 37 members of Pieism so happy, happy days!

We look to 2009 and therefore, on the 1st January, Ex-08, the project that has fueled expansion this year will end and Ex-09 will begin. Although Ex-09 will not have many starting aims, here are three very important ones:

  1. Complete the new Book of Pie
  2. Brush up the Pieism sites
  3. Find a better structure for the Union

Have a very happy Eat-Mince-Pie day and may the Pie be with you. Always!

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