Welcome to the Pieism Blog!

This blog is the official blog for Pieism, written by the JoJo, Prophet and Leader of Pieism, and managed by the online division of Crustacean magazine, the premium publication for lobsters and all Pieists everywhere. To find about more about Pieism, go to Pieism: The Official Site.

Monday, 13 July 2009

Black Lobster's Confirmed as Mortal

A couple of interesting things have been confirmed recently, namely that Black Lobster's are mortal, and generally live between 550 and 650 years. It was previously believed that Black Lobster's lived shorter lives of 100 to 125 years, but everytime they died they would be reborn. However, many Pieist's were unhappy with this, as this would mean Black Lobster's would have lives stretching over billions of years, which is why I have now confirmed that Black Lobsters are mortal. A more minor confirmation is that the JoJo will have decendants in the future, which has long been implied but never actually confirmed, however although there are rumours there is currently no concrete evidence how this will happen.

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