Welcome to the Pieism Blog!

This blog is the official blog for Pieism, written by the JoJo, Prophet and Leader of Pieism, and managed by the online division of Crustacean magazine, the premium publication for lobsters and all Pieists everywhere. To find about more about Pieism, go to Pieism: The Official Site.

Saturday, 10 March 2018

Did the JoJo have a past life? The answer may surprise you

New evidence uncovered by crustacean researchers suggests that the JoJo may have had a past life in the earlier half of the 17th century. Born in England, he would later be exiled from his homeland for teaching the true ways of the crust, and sail across the Atlantic to find his destiny in the Caribbean. This would lead to what the texts considered to be the future tales. 

On this 10th March, 12 years after the founding of Pieism, it is worth remembering the miracle of continuous revelations. Praise the Pie!

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